One goal of this course is to simply provide an economic introduction to these important markets
Two reasons why we think unregulated energy markets will not be economically efficient:
Market power
Externalities from energy production/ consumption
These are textbook market failures: ALL economists agree regulation can increase welfare.
Historically prices were set by the government
By 1970's, regulatory inefficiency was increasingly apparent
Response has been to gradually deregulate these markets
What are the costs of imperfect competition in energy markets?
Which segments of energy markets shouldn't be deregulated?
BP Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico, 2010
An externality exists when the consumption or production choices of one person or firm enter the utility or production function of another entity without that entity's permission or compensation.
Negative externalities will be oversupplied by the market.
75% of global CO2 emissions come from energy
We need to switch essentially all energy use to electric power
Then decarbonize electricity production as fast as possible
Increase energy efficiency of durables (ACs, water heaters, etc)
How much will it cost to make our energy system ``greener''?
How should the we meet our CO2 targets?
Source: Forbes
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First required reading due Monday. Remember to submit a short response.