Housing Market Capitalization of Pipeline Risk: Evidence from a Shock to Salience and Awareness, with Evan Herrnstadt, Land Economics (2024)*. Manuscript with online appendix.
Investment versus Output Subsidies: Implications of Alternative Incentives for Wind Energy, with Joe Aldy and Todd Gerarden, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (2023). Manuscript. Code.
Relinquishing Riches: Auctions vs Informal Negotiations in Texas Oil and Gas Leasing, with Thom Covert, American Economic Review (2023). Manuscript. Code. Microeconomic Insights summary.
Pass-Through of Own and Rival Cost Shocks: Evidence from the U.S. Fracking Boom, with Erich Muehlegger, The Review of Economics and Statistics (2022). Manuscript (contains online appendix). NBER Digest summary. Code.
The Role of Sales Agents in Information Disclosure: Evidence from a Field Experiment, with Hunt Allcott, Management Science (2017). Manuscript. Online appendix (includes simple theoretical model). Code for replication (.zip)
The SO2 Allowance Trading System and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Reflections on 20 Years of Policy Innovation, with Gabe Chan, Robert Stavins and Robert Stowe, National Tax Journal (2012)
The Incidence of U.S. Climate Policy: Alternative Uses of Revenues from a Cap-and-Trade Auction, with Dallas Burtraw and Margaret Walls, National Tax Journal (2009). Manuscript
Impacts of the Jones Act on U.S. Petroleum Markets, with Ryan Kellogg, revise and resubmit at Journal of Law & Economics. Draft, October 2024. Appendix. Data + Code. NBER Digest
Winds of Change: Estimating Learning by Doing without Cost or Input Data, with Thom Covert. Draft, March 2022.
Secrecy Rules and Exploratory Investment: Theory and Evidence from the Shale Boom, with Thom Covert. (under revision)
Environmental Regulation, Imperfect Competition and Market Spillovers: The Impact of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments on the US Oil Refining Industry, Draft, 2015.
Frack Time versus Slack Time, with Thom Covert, Konan Hara, and Ryan Kellogg.
Inefficiency in Decentralized Renewable Energy Investment, with Joe Wilske.
Wind uncertainty and capacity planning during the energy transition, with Yi Ming and Ilan Valencius
Auctions vs. Negotiations with Spillovers: Evidence from the U.S. Land Ordinance and the Shale Boom, with Thom Covert and Ryan Kellogg.